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Why Reading Matters

Vada Green (Guest Blogger)

Every month I'm giving an opportunity for an individual to do a guest blog post on my blog. The very first one is from a guest blogger by the name of Vada Green. Vada is a tremendous blogger who lives in England and writes a great blog called Ramblings of a Neurotic Writer . Check out her guest blog post about her reading journey below, and let me know what you think in the comment section.

I was home-schooled all through my childhood and my mum taught me Maths, English, Science etc. From a young age I was always coming up with stories, even when I couldn’t write and I would tell my mum what to jot down. I refused to learn to read until I was around 8/9 years old and then one day, I just picked up a book, which couldn’t have been more than 50 pages, and struggled for hours, refusing to come indoors until I had read the entire book. I taught myself how to read. After that, I couldn’t put books down. I’ve always loved escaping into a novel, having adventures with the characters and going to new places, even when all I did was sit there in a chair.

Reading transported me to a new world, and without it, I would have struggled. Reading matters to me because the characters were always there for me when no one else was. Whether it was fantasy or contemporary, I never felt alone. If I struggled with thoughts about the real world, I would pick up a book and escape from my head, just like people do with games or a movie/TV series.

Reading matters because when we feel low, we can always come back into the story, and it’ll be waiting there for us. We can come back to it time and again and the characters will be there, the same world will be there, even when no one else is. Isn’t it magical to be transported through words?

Reading has changed my life; I now run my own book review blog which is a huge hobby of mine. Without it, I’m not sure where I would be. Blogging and writing has given me the confidence I need to apply for jobs, put myself out there and make new friends. Without books, the world would be a dark, dark place. I can’t imagine a world without books, so I thank all the authors out there who had the confidence to put themselves out there and publish their work for others to see.

I would like to thank you in advance for reading this blog. Please share and comment if you can.

You can reach Vada on the links below.

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Instagram: @neurotic.writer.ramblings

Facebook: @ramblingsofaneuroticwriter

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