Who is profiting off your self-help addiction?
I'm a huge advocate of the self-help space. I contribute a lot of my success in life to this space. I've read multiple books. went to seminars and spent hundreds of hours on Youtube watching my favorite self-help gurus.WAIT!
What the hell is a self-help guru?
I can't even explain (scratching my head). In my experience a self-help guru is someone who uplifts an individual in order to improve their everyday life. Whether it's financial or personal improvement they are here to help you. Who are some of my favorite Self-help gurus you ask? Some of my favorites are Grant Cardone, Casey Neistat, and of course my favorite GARY VAYNERCHUK aka Gary Vee.

I found out about Gary Vee back in 2015 and took a deep dive into his life. He motivated me and I studied him almost everyday. Hustle, hustle, hustle is what he preaches, among many other things. I watched his youtube page everyday and took in a lot of his teachings which helped me out a lot. I consider Gary a true leader in the self-help space and he helps thousands of people everyday by bringing them value for FREE.
I can honestly say I became addicted to the self-help space but my addiction was in a positive way. It was positive because I actually applied his teachings and went out there and did the work. I didn't just sit at home all day and watch his videos and read his books to say "Wow. I feel motivated." I went out there and got it done at all cost.
Self-help addiction can also be negative. How? It is very easy to get caught up in buying all their books and products and spending all of your time improving yourself and you forget the one important thing you need to do. THE WORK. Don't look up at a calendar and see that you've spent all your time reading about how to hustle and not be out there hustling. You will have spent hundreds and maybe even thousands of dollars being addicted to what these gurus are selling and forgot to use the advice.
Find a self-help guru that brings you value and study their successes and their failures. It's okay to spend money on products to improve yourself but make sure you get up and put all that knowledge into action.
Alex Owumi is a professional basketball player and bestselling author of Qaddafi's Point Guard, The Fire Raven series and The Man In Forest Hills. You can view his website here.
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